Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Summer School
Code of Conduct
The CNeuro code of conduct is based on standards and language used by other meetings. We follow, in particular, those guidelines established for Cosyne, the Society for Neuroscience and the Gordon Research Conferences:
http://www.cosyne.org/cosyne19/code_of_conduct_at_cosyne.pdf https://www.grc.org/about/grc-policies-and-legal-disclaimers/ https://www.sfn.org/Membership/Professional-Conduct/Code-of-Conduct-at-SfN-Events
CNeuro is committed to encouraging and maintaining open and honest intellectual dialogues and discussions as part of a friendly and inclusive atmosphere. Reflecting these values, CNeuro condemns illegal or inappropriate behavior at each summer school event, including violations of applicable laws pertaining to sale or consumption of alcohol, destruction of property, or harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment.
CNeuro does not tolerate inappropriate or suggestive acts or comments that demean another person by reason of their gender, gender identity or expression, race, religion ethnicity, age or disability or that are unwelcome or offensive to other members of the community or their guests. CNeuro will review allegations of any such behavior on a case-by-case basis, and violations may result in the prohibition on future participation by particular individuals.
CNeuro believes home institutions and employers of our event participants are best equipped to investigate allegations or violations by their faculty members, trainees, employees or affiliated individuals, and to evaluate and determine appropriate actions consistent with their employment and academic obligations. In the event of an allegation of harassment at a CNeuro-organized event, CNeuro will document and will generally refer allegations to an attendee’s organization for its review. To the extent possible, documentation will be held in confidence by CNeuro’s organizers.
If you believe you have been subjected to or have otherwise experienced behavior at a CNeuro event that violates CNeuro’s Code of Conduct, please act promptly to report the issue so that steps may be taken to address the situation immediately. You may notify the chair of the session you are attending, or one of the meeting organizers, each of whom we have asked to address the matter promptly or refer it back to the CNeuro organizers.